Does Feng Shui Really Work?

With the Chinese New Year on February 19, we entered the Year of the Golden Sheep, welcoming a time of peace, harmony, creativity and generosity. This time of year always inspires me to take stock of the flow of energy in my life.  As a student of the ancient Chinese Art of Feng Shui for over twenty years now, I’ve learned some interesting ways to improve the energy of my home and office to enhance my success, happiness and general well-being. I find that by implementing the principles I’ve learned, I can create environments that are both energetically vibrant and aesthetically pleasing.

photo by John Ragai

Some of the things I do to activate the flow of energy, or chi, in my home and office are: keep the entryway to my home clean and free of clutter; locate beds in the corner of the room furthest from the door so that one can see the entrance from the bed; use plants, crystals, lamps and color with the cardinal directions, keeping the elements of fire, earth, air, water and metal in mind. I also have a fountain in the entry room to stimulate the flow of abundance. In the kitchen, I keep the stove top clean, make sure that all of the burners work well, and I use them all in turn. This stimulates multiple flows of abundance into my household. I keep the refrigerator clean and clear out old food that has lost its vitality. In the dining room, I place a small mirror on the ceiling above the table, so it will reflect abundance, and I keep a beautiful bowl on the table with oranges and a pineapple, or whatever fruit is in season. There are many more ways to achieve good results using the art of feng shui, too many to address here. For a more detailed summary of how you can use feng shui, check out my dear friend, Gwynne Warner’s website, Ten Thousand Blessings Feng Shui:
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